September 2024 General Membership Meeting

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September 2024 General Membership Meeting
Posted: 09/30/2024 - 10:27 am
File Attachment: 1727717274_9:10:24_General_meeting.docx
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 by President Tim Ward. He greeted those members and guests present on Zoom. Both Melody Stepp, Program V.P. and Tim Ward, President were the members present at the Parkland-Spanaway Library in person with several other members.
Tim noted that the September meeting was for members to tell about their summer activities and asked for input. After a few Zoom participants related what they had been doing, Tim turned the meeting over to Melody, Programs Vice President.
Melody had prepared a short presentation “Welcome to Examples of Genealogy Resources.”
  • Magazines and what they offered: Family Tree Magazine (“chock full of information and well worth the cost”); Internet Genealogy; and the National Genealogy Society Quarterly.
  • YouTube (request ‘’genealogy”)
  • Legacy Family Tree webinars and the TPCGS benefit (half price for new subscribers) to subscribe.
  • Your DNA Guide webinars
  • old TV shows
  • Google: Genealogy websites, blogs and newsletters
  • DNAPainter
  • Conference Keeper
Tim introduced Debi Ross, who spoke about her summer preparing for the upcoming new TPCGS Special Interest Group (SIG) on the second Wednesday of each month, Writing Family History. She mentioned that she took a course this past Spring from Cyndi Ingle, Mastering the Genealogical Proof Standard, that was eye-opening.
D Becker shared more information on how to access more webinars from Legacy Family Tree webinars.
Tim asked for a show of hands from those who had recently accessed the TPCGS website, then he shared all of the freely available information on it, as well as information available only to TPCGS members.
The meeting adjourned around 7:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Gwin, Secretary