Sept 12, 2023 General meeting

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Sept 12, 2023 General meeting
Posted: 09/25/2023 - 2:28 pm
File Attachment: 1695677318_2023-09-12_General_meeting_minutes.docx
General Meeting
September 12, 2023
The hybrid meeting held at the Parkland-Spanaway Library commenced at 6:20 p.m.
In the absence of President Liz Osborne, no formal business meeting was held but rather continued with the evening’s program :  a show and tell on members’ genealogical activities since the last meeting.
Melody told about the activities of local Parkland citizens and their effort to raise money to purchase the former Parkland school scheduled for demolition.  If the citizens are successful in raising a required amount of money they will qualify for a grant that will make the purchase possible.
Tim reported the project to get the Society’s book “History of Southeastern Pierce County” on the Amazon website has been completed.  Also the 20 copies requested by the Eatonville history group are scheduled for delivery.  He is now working on getting the Society’s Army condemnation book ready for the Amazon site. 
Other meeting participants highlighted their recent genealogy efforts .
Melody stated the program for the annual meeting in November will be on Pierce County libraries.  It is also our annual meeting, including election of officers.  That portion of the meeting will be conducted first.
The annual Nordic Festival will be held October 7, 2023, at the Mountain Lutheran Church in Edgewood.  Hours are 10-4.
The meeting ended at 7:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Lorraine Graeber
Acting  Secretary